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Peace, 2021


Acrylics on wood

29 x 29cm



(in collaboration with Arneli Art Gallery, Lebanon)

27 JUL - 18 SEP 2022.




Joanna Raad is a Lebanese multidisciplinary artist and lecturer. She recently joined AUB as a lecturer at the faculty of arts and art history (FAAH). She has a Ph.D. in Theater, a Master's in Cinema, and a BA in performing arts from the Saint-Joseph University in Beirut (USJ/IESAV).


After plenty years of research, Joanna chose to focus the theme of her artworks on childhood and visual memories. In a naïve and neo expressionistic style, she creates vivid compositions of colors, documenting and reconstructing the past in a modern way.

“Drawing is an intimate gesture, almost like writing a diary. There is freedom in drawing, as I can quickly and spontaneously express myself within the intimacy of a bedroom or in any public place or even a plane.”


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